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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Have you been Jinxed.?

I stumbled upon this word when I was watching serials on the T.V. Two or more kids got jinxed and weren't able to speak. Something like unwritten rule or something. So I did some snooping around and found out some info. Some I would like to share with you guys. Have fun reading it.

A jinx can be initiated when at least two people make any of the same sounds, comments, etc. unintentionally say (or type, in the case of Internet jinx) the same word or phrase at the same time. If one of them (the "jinxer") yells "Jinx!" before any further conversation has begun, the other person (the "jinxee") is in a state of being "jinxed" and may not speak further until they are "released" from the jinx. The jinxer must add "Master 1 2 3" otherwise the jinxee can take control of the jinx. The rules for what constitutes such a release vary. Traditionally, a jinx is ended when anyone speaks the jinxed person's name backwards 3 times (i.e. Christine Pavy = "Pavy Christine"). However, a common variation says that only the jinxer can free the jinxee from their obligation to remain silent. (This is sometimes called a "private jinx," "personal jinx," or "jinx personal lock".) You can not jinx under a roof however this rule is controversial.
The game ends when either the jinxee is released from the jinx or when the jinxee "breaks" the jinx by speaking while in a state of being jinxed. In the latter case, the Jinxee loses the game, and often a penalty is exacted. Penalty anything from a drink to a dexi (not necessarily a punishment). Basically they should commit to the nature of the game - and not be a sore loser.
Simultaneous speaking that is planned or expected, such as during the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance or during the singing of a song, is ineligible for a jinx to occur. A jinx may only follow a spontaneous and unexpected overlapping of conversation by both parties.
When a third party witnesses a jinx performed by at least two other people and that third party calls jinx, all jinxed parties must abide by the standard rules of the "jinxee" while the witness receives the rights of the "jinxer."
Some people[who?] think jinxes are valid when a song is sung by two people, or even if the jinx is set up by one person. In some variations jinxes also are valid when two people laugh or growl at the same time. When the validity of a jinx is in question, judgment is deferred to the older, wiser and more experienced, or just larger person.
If two or more jinx people call jinx on each other at the same time, the jinx-x rules apply, see jinx-x section.
Also, if two people say the same thing multiple times during the day, the jinx then becomes XXX Jinx, or (triple x jinx). In layman's terms, this means that the jinxee (the person who had jinx said to them) then owes the jinxer a soda.
Also, the jinxee is not allowed to touch the jinxer, or hurt him/her in any way.
You can not jinx a jinx. So I guess you have gained some information reading this. Thank you. :)


  1. I hope I am not jinxed, I just started a blog and I hope to do well with my site @

  2. Well, as you have read above.. There are some criteria to be jinxed. And I do hope that you are not jinxed.

  3. Can a nickname break you out of a jinx?

    1. If it's a well known nickname that people use instead of your name, yes
