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Friday, February 25, 2011

Smart Jerry or Stupid mouse?

Well, I put up this question since, when I was going to college at early in the morning before the sun break. The mouse ran up to me and then bit me. Later that very day, I put a mouse trap. No as the one as in tom and jerry's but still ancient way of capturing of a mouse. Then I put a mouse trap installed with the cheese. WELL, the cheese part I did steal from the tom and jerry show. Since how should I know what Mouse like. From the very begging the T.V. has taught me that jerry usually likes cheese and tom uses it to his advantage. So I also put the cheese. And to my very surprise the mouse was caught that day. Buhaha!!

So, I threw the mouse into the river far away from my house. Since the old folks say that once a mouse re-enters the same house. Well, consider your clothes are going to have doomsday. And after I threw it the very next day another mouse showed up at my home. At that moment I became angry and put up the same trap. And I was thinking that the same trap would work for the second time also. But to my surprise, the very next day the mouse was not caught but my cereal box and many products had a hole in it. Now, I became totally mad and furious. So, I thought to myself these rodent's, "how did they became so clever?" Did the other one see what the trap did to his friend? So, I was quite shocked as well as furious at the same time. Since I was the one who had to bear the loss and coudn't do anything about it. So, I happened to search through the internet about these felinie furry creatures. But mind you, I'm also million times smarter than these furried creatures. IF I use my brain even to 0.05% it's doomsday for them. But I let them slack around since I do not want the mouse inhibitants to be extinct from this planet. So, like normal and ordinary people I placed aside my trap and was surfing the net. And the another day, the mouse seemed to have strangled in the mouse trap. SO, I thought to myself WHy the hell did this furried creature got captured it the net? Was it because of the darkness that it didn't see the way or someother reasons.? OR, DID I ACCIDENTALY ACTIVATE MY PSYCHIC POWERS WHILE I WAS ASLEEP?
But I was quite shocked. So, this time to ensure that I had no chance that it was the same mouse. I threw it far away. WOAH, LIKE a BALL.

SO, I surfed for the information about these furried creatures and dugg out some info.


 It is nocturnal and omnivorous, with a preference for grains and fruit. Compared to the brown rat, it is a poor swimmer, but more agile and a better climber, tending even to flee upwards. In a suitable environment it will breed throughout the year, with a female producing three to six litters of up to ten young. Females may regulate their production of offspring during times when food is scarce, throwing as few as only one litter a year. R. rattus lives for about 2–3 years. Social groups of up to sixty can be formed.

Well, in any case they do not seem to have posses any time of fatal diseases and DO NOT TRY TO COME BITE AT US.  What I have observed is that these rats are very stupid as well as smart creatures. Some might say that they are 50-50. So, what would you choose?
A) Smarter
B) Stupid
C) 50-50

So, by reading my small article please feel free to vote against the question that I have raised and would like to know what the answer really is?

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