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Monday, May 16, 2011

Does listening to Metal genre music make you angry, destructible?

The fact that everyone has their own taste of music. Some may prefer rock hard music whereas some may prefer  
Soft classical music. It's all up to the listener's choice. The topic that I have chosen is since, mainly you may see that which in a rock concert the people are always head banging(a type of head dance) which in the hip hop concert or where the beat music is high people tend to jiggle their bodies. The question may arise why is that? After all music is music right. Lets start from the beginning. Many of us tend to live with music but many don't know what the definition of music is. Well, music is the art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition as through melody, harmony, rhythm and timbre.

I came across this topic when me and my friends we're all hanging in our junction(a place where friend's meet, like a rendezvous point). Then all of a sudden a friend of our's come's all panting and sweating. We then asked what the matter was. He had replied that there was trouble stirring up between the local gangs. We, of-course, had no plan to intervene or spoil their party. But then suddenly one of my friends starts to pump up a metal and destructive music. Suddenly, all of the friend's mood changed and they became aggressive. Their stance, their way of talking all became violent including mine. Then we along with the boy's rounded up and headed towards the point where the fight was about to held. Some had taken numbness drug too. So, as when they hit or they get beaten they wouldn't feel any pain and would still continue to stand up and fight. The way they we're all pumped up for the fight got me amazed as to how far they have gone for just a small fight. And reason was all in the suddenly violent music that got us pumped. Was it the music's fault that our heart got carried away and violence started to enter into our heart's and captured our sense of thinking.

Even in concert's you may see that the people once they start to hear the rock or metal music they slowly start to change and dash with one another. They show violent form of dance and starts head banging in the beat of the music. All the crowds suddenly become violent and start to bash one other up. Usually at this concert's the people are usually high or drunk and the risk is even more of getting hurt. The people tend to get more hurt usually being bashed up by some unknown people. Now, in the context of the hip-hop beat or where there is dance beat people usually get along fine. They do not show head bangs and body dash but tend to wiggle and jiggle their bodies. Why is that so? The question may arise. Can't the people do head bangs in the clubs and wiggle at rock concerts? o.O!?

SO, with a little investigation. You may also try it yourself at home or wherever you are. When you are angry and tend to be aggressive listen a couple of soft classical songs and see that the animalistic fighting behavior tends to fade away and sense of forgiveness arises. But at the same condition you tend to listen to violent music then you may as well kick the social behavior out of the window. You start in physical violence. So, tend to listen less to hard music while you are angry or frustrated. I hope that this has helped you. This is the writer signing off till next time.

1 comment:

  1. lol post bhanda photo bobal cha espacially the last 1
    jhare kaile dekhi post garna thale
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