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Monday, May 16, 2011

Does listening to Metal genre music make you angry, destructible?

The fact that everyone has their own taste of music. Some may prefer rock hard music whereas some may prefer  
Soft classical music. It's all up to the listener's choice. The topic that I have chosen is since, mainly you may see that which in a rock concert the people are always head banging(a type of head dance) which in the hip hop concert or where the beat music is high people tend to jiggle their bodies. The question may arise why is that? After all music is music right. Lets start from the beginning. Many of us tend to live with music but many don't know what the definition of music is. Well, music is the art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition as through melody, harmony, rhythm and timbre.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Smart Jerry or Stupid mouse?

Well, I put up this question since, when I was going to college at early in the morning before the sun break. The mouse ran up to me and then bit me. Later that very day, I put a mouse trap. No as the one as in tom and jerry's but still ancient way of capturing of a mouse. Then I put a mouse trap installed with the cheese. WELL, the cheese part I did steal from the tom and jerry show. Since how should I know what Mouse like. From the very begging the T.V. has taught me that jerry usually likes cheese and tom uses it to his advantage. So I also put the cheese. And to my very surprise the mouse was caught that day. Buhaha!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Have you been Jinxed.?

I stumbled upon this word when I was watching serials on the T.V. Two or more kids got jinxed and weren't able to speak. Something like unwritten rule or something. So I did some snooping around and found out some info. Some I would like to share with you guys. Have fun reading it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Daydream Causes Memory loss

First of all, you must be thinking that is this for real? Well, when I was in class my teacher scolded me for day dreaming and told me that If you daydream then you will have memory loss. And I was like FOR REAL?

So I did a little investigation and this is what I came up with. Hope you enjoy reading it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Polythene causing poly hazards...

We all know about the environmental pollution and all that. But still, people burn down all sorts of things when they are mad or furious. Even though man is a smart animal he/she gets a screw untightened sometimes. Now let's see what that unwinding of screw has did to the mother earth. Even in riots people burn down polythene. But what they don't know is that while burning the polythene they are just ruining their own live. Here are some data telling you how it is dangerous.

Kissing and Cooties?

Cooties? Does kissing really give you cooties? This all happened when I was watching some TV serial in the television. The boy was trying to kiss a girl and she was afraid that when she kissed her she might get cooties. So, I became curious to know as what these cooties might be. I would also like to share some thoughts with you about this things called cooties. Hope you enjoy reading it.